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Monday, December 28, 2009

Amazing House! 1,000+ points

I just got a letter from the HRA saying that I have a perfect room!

Here is a video of my house so you can try to get yourself a perfect room and score 113,146 points on your HRA!

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Perfect Snowman!

I made a perfect snowman!

Steps to a perfect snowman!
  1. Find your first snowball.
  2. Roll it into a large snowball.
  3. Find the second snowball.
  4. Roll it into a medium snowball.
  5. Roll medium on onto large one and there you have your perfect snowman!

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Animal Crossing Wild World (DS) House Ideas!

If you are interested in changing around your rooms or if you just want to change around your daily living space in Animal Crossing Wild Wold well here are some ideas! Below is a list of some of the room set-ups that I would recommend!

  1. The Modern Room.
The Modern Room is a very fun one! I have it currently set up in my main room of my house.
Items Include:
  • Modern Bed
  • Modern Dresser
  • Modern Wardrobe
  • Modern Chair
  • Modern Sofa
  • Modern End Table
  • Modern Desk
  • Modern Table
  • Modern Cabinet
  • Modern Lamp
  • Modern Wall & Floor
2. The Blue Room
The blue room can be quite nice. There is a lot of places where you can store items in this series of furniture for some reason but it still looks lovely. I have this room set up in my upper floor.
Items Include
  • Blue Bed
  • Blue Wardrobe
  • Blue Chair
  • Blue Bench
  • Blue Bookcase 
  • Blue Cabinet
  • Blue Book Case
  • Blue Clock
  • Blue Dresser
  • Blue Wall & Floor
3. Green Room

I love my green room. It is so calm and simply perfect. I have it all set up in my left room on the first floor of my Animal Crossing Wild World house.
Items Are
  • Green Bed
  • Green Dresser
  • Green Wardrobe
  • Green Chair
  • Green Bench
  • Green Table
  • Green Desk
  • Green Lamp
  • Green Counter
  • Green Pantry
  • Green Wall & Floor
Here is a video of my house in Animal Crossing Wild World for the DS. Hope it gives you some ideas!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mario Kart Ds - Mission Level 1-7 Through Boss

Mission 1-7
Goal: Collect all 20 of the coins!
Tips: This one is some-what easy. One good thing is that all of the coins are in a line and in groups which will make it easier to collect all of them. Use the three mushroom boosts wisely. Use them in wide and long areas.
Mission 1-8
Goal: Perform 4 power-slide turbo boosters in 1 lap!
Tips: Do turbo slide boosts every-time you get a chance. If you do not yet no how to do them you can power slide by hopping with R while holding Left/Right and accelerating. When you start to slide, alternate between Left and
Right to see blue, and then red sparks. When the sparks are red, release the buttons for a large boost.
Mission One Final Boss
Goal: Use the Mushrooms to crash into the Big Bully and knock him off of the stage!
Tips: Be careful because he will also be trying to knock you off of the stage. You want to knock him off before be does that to you with mushrooms. Basically grab a box of them and charge straight at him to push him off of the stage. One more thing is that he will charge at you the second you start. To avoid this either go backwards and to the right all of the sudden or go forwards to the left all of a sudden.
Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Mario Kart Ds - Mission Level 2-1 Through 2-3

Mission 2-1
Goal: Crash into all of the 10 wooden creates and destroy every one!
Tips: This one can be trick as the boxes are scattered all over the place. You will be on Delfino Square and there will be 10 boxes. 3 of which will be on the lover brown docks, and another hidden one will be across the bridge. Good luck and don't forget about the one over the bridge.
Mission 2-2
Goal: Collect all 10 coins.
Tips:  This one is fairly simple, just be sure to start off going backwards because you will notice that the first start is behind you when you start.
Mission 2-3
Goal: Drive through all 5 numbered gates in order!
Tips: This one will be on donut plains and is easy to complete! The first one is in the middle of the track, the second one is actually a little tricky due to it being off the track. Instead of taking a turn to the right as the track directs you, you actually want to go off onto the grass and through the gate. The rest of them are just about the same, just be-careful not to over shoot them when you start using the mushroom boost's.

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Mario Kart Ds - Mission Level 1-4 Through 1-6

Mission 1-4
Goal: Get the star and use it to hit 5 cheep cheeps!
Tips: This mission is fairly simple other then it may be hard to get a good rank due to be traveling so fast with the stars. I would recommend trying to get them all hit with just one start, it can be done and it will achieve you the best possible rank.
Mission 1-5
Goal: Drove through all 6 numbed gates in order!
Tips: This is fairly simple, just drive through the gates in numerical order!
Mission 1-6
Goal: Drive out of the mansion.... BACKWARDS!!!
Tips: There shouldn't be any obstacles so all you have to do is use "B" and go backwards the entire time. I would recommend using your bottom map a lot more because it can be a little easier to follow!
Good Luck! =)

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Mario Kart Ds - Mission Level 1-1 Through 1-3

Here is a short walk through with some tips to get you through the First level of missions on Mario Kart for the DS.
Mission 1-1
Goal: Drive through all 5 gates in numerical order.
Track: Figure 8 Circuit
Tips: This is a fairly easy track. Just make sure to get through all of the gates as fast as you can in numerical order.
Mission 1-2
Goal: Collect all of the 15 coins!
Tips: The only large tip for this one would be to take it easy on the corners. They can be a little rough if you take them too fast.
Mission 1-3
Goal: Destroy all of the 10 item boxes
Tips: This one is simple... Just drive through all of the 10 item boxes. You get one mushroom boost per box, a tip would be to use the mushroom the second you get it due to there not being much time to use it after you get it before the next box. Also this will help you to get the best time possible!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How To Make Easy Money On Animal Crossing!

To start off sometimes it can be difficult to save up money in this game. So I have some tips below for you that may help you in your search for bells!

  • Sell fruit - This has to be by far the easiest way to make money in this game
  • Fish - Fishing can be simple but you have to remember one main thing. If you get a common fish (one you have caught over and over again) it is probably not worth much so to get the most out of your trip to nooks I would recommend throwing back any fish that is common and only selling the rare ones to Nook’s. Just make sure you have donated that type of fish to the museum before you sell it to Nook’s.
  • Bugs - Bugs are great but there better in the summer due to more of them being out. Also same goes for the bugs as it did for the fish. Make sure you have one in the museum before you go and sell it to Nook’s.
  • A trip to the island - Unfortunately this is only for the GameCube version but you can make a lot of money from simply going to the island with some fruit. To view a more in depth guide of how to do this just Click Here.
Hopefully some of these tips will help you get rich quick in Animal Crossing!

Well hopefully you enjoy this and have fun playing! =)

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Animal Crossing Guide - Part Two - Post Office, Able Sisters, Museum

Part two of my short Animal Crossing Guide! I will go over some of the other important places in your Animal Crossing towns!

Post Office

At the post office you are allowed to obviously mail letters. You are also able to pay off your house debt. In the DS and Wii versions you have a bank account sort of thing where you can deposit money and you will also be paid slight interest for the money you have in your account every month.

Able Sisters

There truly isn’t much you can do at Able Sisters, but the main thing you are able to do is design things. You are able to design clothing, hats, etc. Basically you design the designs that you carry in your pockets! It’s really nice and easy to do!

The museum in a fun place! You can donate everything you find in the river, sea, and any fossil you dig up! If you want a complete guide of all the Click Here Here!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Animal Crossing Guide - Part One - Nooks

Animal Crossing is a very fun and enjoyable game. So I thought I would make a guide for you to follow so you can play the game and have the most fun possible!

To start off with I will go over what the different places in your town can do.


Nooks is an amazing place where you can buy clothing, accessories, and tools. One of the best things you can do there is sell anything you have! It’s supper easy to make a quick bell!

Nooks start in a few steps. First you will start out with Nook’s Cranny. In Nook’s Cranny there is barely anything other then a few items and tools.

After Nook’s Cranny you will get Nook N’ Go. There you will have a few more items and the stores hours will increase.

Then the store will upgrade to Nookway. Nookway will have a wide assortment of products and accessories.

After those you will upgrade to Nookington’s. In order to upgrade to this version you will have had to have someone from another town buy from your Nookway and then you will be able to upgrade to Nookington’s. In the GameCube version you will have to let someone borrow your memory card and let them travel to it on the GameCube. Now on the DS you can simply just have your friend come over to your DS via WiFi connection. Same goes for the Wii as the DS.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Which Animal Crossing is YOUR Favorite?

 Ok, I thought it would be interesting to see which Animal Crossing you guys enjoyed the most. Somewhere (my guess is to the left when on my homepage) there should be a poll place where you can place your vote! Find out the winner in 2010!!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Welcoming The Holiday Season

As you have probably noticed, I love to share videos I find on YouTube with you guys! So here is another one for the seasons that I found! Enjoy!

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Funny Videos!

These are just two funny videos I found on YouTube! Enjoy!

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Winter Break!

I finally get my 2 weeks off from school!

Next week I will be off of school because we get our two weeks for the holidays! I plan to make allot more videos and post many more blog posts! There should be at least one of each every day! (At least that is what I am planning!) I also may include a few live Animal Crossing gameplay sessions!

So Please Subscribe to me on all of my sites and this way you can stay up to date on when I will have my new stuff out!


Monday, December 14, 2009

OMG ~ E-Bay

HAHA, Look at this.. This guy bought an iTouch for $197.50 and another $4 for shipping. So he spent a total of $201.50 on his new iTouch.

Now if you go to you can buy an iTouch brand new with free shipping and no taxes for only $200...

As you can see people sometimes get carried away with this.. and it's so funny!



I have decided to give you guys a weekly Newsletter! So I will be sending an E-Mail to those who want them that will have some cool little things that all of you will Enjoy! I also may have ocasional give always and secrets postings (videos, etc)

So use the link below to sign up for the News Letter!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nintendo Ds Gamestop Case Review

I purchased this case about a month ago from Game Stop for about $15. It is an amazing sturdy case that hasn’t let me down yet.

This is a picture that I took of my case. It is a very sturdy case that I fell protects my Nintendo DS very well. It has a semi-hard outer shell to protect the DS if it is accidentally dropped. It also has a smooth, soft inside that keeps the DS from getting scratched up.

This is a picture of my case with the Nintendo DS inside of it. The case it very sturdy and provides great protection.

Sorry for the poor image I took… But, The case even provides storage for your games and any other accessories you make want to store. I am storing Mario Kart and a cleaning Cloth.

Overall this is a very nice case and I am very please with it! Hope you find this helpful and decide to go out and buy one for yourself!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Animal Crossing Wild World - House Tour (December 9 2009)

Sorry I couldn't upload this to YouTube. They have lately have had a problem with there up-loader :(
This is my house in Animal Crossing Wild World for the Nintendo DS. I have my house fully paid off and every room and a design or set of furniture dedicated to it. I really enjoyed making my house what it is now and I love playing inside of it! =) If you would like to plat Animal Crossing Wild World on Wi-Fi with me please send me a PM with your information and I will respond with mine! =)
I have made a blog if you have not heard of it yet. I will post some pictures there of Animal Crossing and I will also have tips and some fun ideas of stuff to do. So please check it out!
I also have put sometime into a twitter. Please check it out and follow me for updates on when I post new videos and update my blog!
Finally I have a website! I don’t do as much at my website because my mail focus is at my blog and at YouTube. But I do have some links to some cool information that you may find interesting! So please check that out as well!
Thanks for watching! =)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tips To Get Your Blog Noticed!

Sometimes being a new blogger can be hard. Thinking about what to blog about is hard enough but getting those posts noticed is the harder part. Here are a few tips to help you get your blog noticed!

  1. Submit your blog to Pingomatic. This site will add your blog to all of the popular search engine on the Internet.
  2. Submit your blog to Pingoat. They will do the same, add your site to more search engines.
  3. Sign Up for BlogExplosion. This site is amazing. You while earn credits for looking at other people blogs and with more credits you have your blog will get more traffic from them.
  4. Submit your blog to Stumble Upon. Add all of your individual posts to them and you will see amazing trafic increases!
  5. Comment
  6. Comment
  7. Comment
  8. Commenting on other people articles, sites, blogs, etc will drive traffic back to you. People will see how nice you are and they will be nice back and return the view!
  9. Use Yahoo Answers. Answer peoples questions and include your site in the "source" section at the bottom of the answer!
  10. Finally, Post regularly. The more content the more views!

Hope this helps! Good Luck!

-and here is my blog =)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Animal Crossing GameCube Pictures

Below are some pictures I took off of my Game Cube of me Playing around in my Animal Crossing town. And for all of you who are wondering how I can capture such high-quality pictures and video of my Game Cube you should check this article out that I wrote explaining what I use to do this and how it do it as well.

This is the map of my town. I am so happy to have my house so close to nooks, It makes selling stuff and making money supper easy! My house is the bottom one on the right!

This is a picture of my Halloween Room! I got all of these from Jack on Halloween!

This is my nooks! Yes... I am still on Nook way. :( I am hoping to do my best to get upgrading!

I don't know why I put this one in here....

This is me hitting a ball that I found in my town by the well with my shovel. =)

This is my able sisters. i don't go and use them very much, I am a guy and as you can probably tell I am not much of a designer. All you can do there is make and sell designs so there really isn't much. I'm more of a Nook's type of person. XD

And last but not least we have me fishing my the Lighthouse in my town! Something else you may notice is... WHAT AM I FISHING FOR, lol. I meant this as a picture by the lighthouse. So that's why it looks like I'm fishing for nothing. =)

Well that concludes my pictures as of now for Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Game Cube!

I took all these pictures myself off of my Game Cube! If your wondering how I did that please Check this Out!

HD Animal Crossing Gameplay Videos!

OK, For all of you who do not know yet. I use a TV tuner that I bought on the Internet for around $30. It always me to plug my Game cube (or Wii if I had one) into the TV and record game play in High Quality. I bought mine at but is another good site to buy TV tuners at very low prices!

The TV tuners are very easy to use. Some are as simple as plugging them into the USB port on your computer and press a little button and it will automatically start to record your game play in high quality.

Now to edit this awesome quality video you can just use Windows Movie Marker but I would recommend investing into something a little more higher quality! I myself use Sony Vegas to edit and render my video. For most people I guess that is overdoing it but in my opinion it is very easy and nice to use to edit your videos due to the amazing quality it gives out!

And if you haven't seen my YouTube, I would advise that you check it out =)

Cold Tree

A tree in my yard that I though looked nice!

Friday, December 4, 2009

ACWW - Heads Up

Tomorrow, December 5 2009, Will the flea market in Animal Crossing Wild Word for the DS. Go to other people's houses in your town and look around and see if you find something that you like. If you find something ask the villager in there house if you can buy it. They will sell it to you for a certain amount of bells!

You can sell your stuff too!
If you would like to get rid of some of your own old junk that's in your house put it all into your main room. Your neighbors will come over while you are home and they will ask if they can buy some of your things! One tip I have is always start high. At least try to sell it to them for a higher price to start out with. If they reject the older price lower it, but not to much.

Hope you guys make some good deals!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Want Some Laughs?

Want Some Laughs?

Ohms Law

This is something I made to show Ohms Law!

Want Some Laughs?

Laughing is a great thing. It relieves stress, make you feel better, and is said to slowly help you loose weight!

One thing that I found to be very funny are some of the things that show up in Google's suggested searched. (FYI - that's the box that pops down when you start typing in your search in the search box.) So start searching a few comment words like "How" or "I" or "Why"

Sometimes you will find some funny results like this!

Something else that might make you laugh would be to take you laptop and search for wireless networks. Sometimes there are a few people with a great sense of humor and they will name there networks some really funny things!

Hope this at least might have made you laugh a little... No? a smile at least? No? Wow... :)